Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
Have you ever wondered why it is called upstage and downstage? Are you confused when someone tells you to move your drum stage right? Have you ever wondered what the heck a stage manager does? If so, then this workshop is for you.

Join Emma Valentine on a backstage tour of the behind-the-scenes magic of taiko shows. From rehearsals to performance, from load-in to load-out, from the booth to the wings, Emma will share firsthand knowledge of working professionally in theatre communities and how these experiences have translated to fit the taiko community.

By the end of this workshop participants will:
- Walk away with a basic knowledge in vocabulary, etiquette, North American theatre know-how and other fundamentals for live performers.
- Learn some tips and tools to confidently prepare as a performer to enter a theater space and transition smoothly to the stage. Expand beyond practicing songs.
- Know the who’s who of a theatre space, what their job description is and what you as a performing artist can provide them with in order to have an easy and respectful working relationship.
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Emma Valentine

Emma Valentine (she/her) is a queer Korean adoptee from Seoul, South Korea and raised in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area. She has a B.A. in Theater from the University of MN and has worked in various theater roles such as stage manager, lighting director, actor, playwright, director... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT

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