Sunday August 31, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm MDT
Did you want the highest pitch/ the most bounce/ for the lightest weight bachi?
The tenor sound that doesn't make ears wince indoors? Or the thick heavy skin that can handle 'Ushi-Goroshi' ( cow-killer ) bachi?

When do we hope it will sound great?(1 year, 3 years, 6 top 10?)
Is the goal a looser or softer skin(auditory kindness indoors)? How loose is too loose ? - for skin #1? - for skin #2?
How soon would you like it? How many extra steps are we willing to add? Can we sacrifice the longevity of the skin to get there sooner? Can we add weight to the skin and give it deeper tone?
What factors can we bring to the table? What extra steps? What risky techniques?
avatar for Stuart Paton

Stuart Paton

Stuart Paton grew up in Tokyo, and met his first Taiko at age 6. He is a Sponsored Vocationist with TaikoVentures. His first lessons were Cuban congas in Japan, then Taiko study with Grandmaster Seiichi Tanaka began in 1984.  After moving to Vermont, he founded and still leads Burlington... Read More →
Sunday August 31, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm MDT

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