Monday September 1, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT
Ever wanted to perform and experience a hundred-year-old obon song? Taiko, fue, singing and dancing will energize you as you learn “Fukushima Ondo”. The song from the Fukushima region was brought to Maui by Japanese immigrants who worked on sugar plantations. Kay Fukumoto, a fifty-year performer of the song and a fourth-generation family member continuing the tradition, along with Maui Taiko assistants, will help participants to bring the song together. Participants will be sent links to learn the different elements and encouraged to learn them prior to the workshop. (Note: if this is possible - The song will be performed by participants at the Sunday recital with other conference attendees dancing.)

Prerequisite/What to bring: Knowing drumming for "Matsuri" will be helpful but not required. Equipment: kumidaiko & shime bachi
avatar for Kay Fukumoto

Kay Fukumoto

President, Maui Taiko
Kay Fukumoto has performed “Fukushima Ondo” at Maui obon festivals for over fifty years, the first female child to perform on the taiko at obon in Hawai’i.  The song came to Maui with Fukushima descendants who worked at the sugar plantations.  The over hundred-year tradition... Read More →
Monday September 1, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT

Attendees (7)

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