Sunday August 31, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT
I was taught that spirit is the most important aspect of taiko.
Ok...but...what is taiko spirit!?
This workshop will start with a very brief discussion of different facets of the concept of spirit, including aspects of Shinto and Buddhism and the historical context in which they apply to the idea of taiko spirit and how they are relevant but not absolutely required in practice. We'll move on to exercises to connect with and further develop aspects of spirit and stage presence, focusing on simple, practical ways to create more impactful performances and connect with the audiences that come to see us.

Prerequisite/What to bring: Intermediate to advanced technical playing skill preferred. Bachi required and any other instruments welcome.
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Tiffany Tamaribuchi

Tiffany Tamaribuchi (all pronouns) is a trailblazer and world renowned respected teacher and performer. Widely recognized as one of the best instructors in the field, she has taught hundreds of classes and workshops worldwide and dedicated significant time and resources building bridges... Read More →
Sunday August 31, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT

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