Sunday August 31, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm MDT
We improvise daily. We make plans. Things come up. We make adjustments or change plans.

As children "playing" we did not need a workshop. If my friend held up the tea pot, I knew instinctively to hold up the tea cup and sip some imaginary tea, or when a friend held up a stick it may change into a sword and I would react by finding my own stick (sword) or the stick morphed into a rifle and we'd shoot and die. Didn't need a workshop to know how to die.

Improvising is reaction to action (or no action, which is "action"). Ideas are built on ideas. Inspiration comes from inspiration.

What do you see and hear? How do you react? What are YOU doing? AND are you listening? Seeing? Are you aware of what is happening and what choices and possibilities you have? No reaction is okay too, but for a conscious reason to perhaps create space or space for others to add to or express. We can also react predictably or unpredictably (throw a curve ball) to see or hear the reaction. These reactions could inspire new ideas, ways, or paths to explore.

What is the total sound? We can improvise right away without training or time and energy spent, but the more one practices improvising, the better it gets and "vocabulary" is developed with the practice of skill as well as improvising to answer or react with some weight or experience.

This workshop is an introduction to improvisation for taiko. Exercises in counting, listening, and creativity will be introduced. Soloing is only one form of improvising. We hope to delve deeper in improvising involving several drummers to collectively come up creatively with something together.

Participants may take whatever they want from the workshop.

One DOES NOT NEED TO INCUDE IMPROVISATION OR SOLING IN PERFORMANCES, but practicing improvisation DOES IMPROVE ONE'S MUSICIANSHIP and AWARENESS and eventually will improve presentation or performance. Improvisation also may keep things fresh or refreshed and challenging.


A good understanding of taiko basics may be good for this workshop, but not required.

Prerequisite/What to bring: An improvisation handout will be required for each participant.
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Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer

Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer have been performing taiko for 52 years, starting taiko training with Seiichi Tanaka and San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1972.  Russel and Jeanne have been awarded numerous Artist in Residence grants to teach taiko from the California Arts Council and founded... Read More →
Sunday August 31, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm MDT

Attendees (6)

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