Saturday August 30, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
ShastaYama Odori is a composition by Russel Baba which uses two simple traditional patterns interlocking to create a new or different overall sound to dance to.

Basic needs are one Odaiko, 2 shime, one chu, atarigane, & fue. Each has a part.

The minimal music parts are for Odaiko/chu, 2 shime, and fue. The parts may be made more complex by adding others for Odaiko and chu or shime and atarigane and/or matsu mushi bells.

ShastaYama Odori was created for audience participation at the ShastaYama Taiko Festival. Toru Watanabe and Michelle Fujii created most of the dance movements which celebrates the Mount Shasta area and nature. Russel Baba added more dance movements reflecting our modern lifestyles of cell phones, pumping gas, and driving. Traditional dance and songs reflect people's lives of fishing, farming, or hoeing or digging. Russel added the modern acts of today.

The piece ends when dancing is done. The chu Odaiko pattern goes one more round and ends the piece.

This workshop can add more participants. There is a minimum required, but no maximum as it is simple and easy to learn.

If one plays ShastaYama Odori, please give Russel credit for the music and give credit to Toru Watanabe, Michelle Fujii, and Russel for the dance choreography.

Prerequisite/What to bring: There are no requirements for participants. Anyone from beginner to advanced will gain from learning ShastaYama Odori. AND it's fun!
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Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer

Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer have been performing taiko for 52 years, starting taiko training with Seiichi Tanaka and San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1972.  Russel and Jeanne have been awarded numerous Artist in Residence grants to teach taiko from the California Arts Council and founded... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT

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