Saturday August 30, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
From the very beginning of the history of Japan, people have believed in the existence of deities living with them, in their lives, and they could communicate with those deities through the sound of their drumming, Taiko.
Shinto is widely known as a Japanese indigenous religion, it is the way of life and reflection of Japanese culture. This workshop focuses on the relationship with Japanese people and Kami(Deity), the backbone of performing arts and taiko from Mythology, role of Matsuri(festival), role of Taiko, Shinto and Buddhism relationship and how those reflect to Japanese culture.

Prerequisite/What to bring: None
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Yoko Nakahashi

Yoko Nakahashi (she/her) is an ASCAP award winning contemporary composer. She studied with Pulitzer prize winning composers such as David Del Tredici and Julia Wolfe. As a drummer and Taiko artist, she has been performing internationally. She has been certified to teach Osuwa Daiko... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT

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