Friday August 29, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT
- When I first visited Hachijo Island in 2012 and played Hachijo Daiko with the locals, I received a comment: "That's not Hachijo Taiko". While Hachijo is known to be an improvisational style played by two players, I was shocked to hear that simply improvising on the Hachijo setup wasn't good enough.
- It is said that islanders are able to recognize the soloist by listening to their rhythms from afar. The focus of this workshop is for each participant to further develop their own Hachijo style through exploration in sound and rhythms. Explore beyond the given roles of the Uwauchi player being the soloist and the Shitauchi player being the base-keeper in the Hachijo setup.
- WS focus/concepts: becoming an "active listener" as the Shitauchi player; incorporating repetition and creating rhythms that feel/sound good to you as the Uwauchi player

Prerequisite Knowledge
- Experience with Hachijo Daiko in the past (preferred, but not required)
avatar for Masa Miyano

Masa Miyano

Masa Miyano, full-time staff at Asano Taiko U.S. and Principal of Los Angeles Taiko Institute, brings over 15 years of taiko experience to the stage and classroom as a performer and educator with UnitOne, Prota, and TAIKOPROJECT Education Team.Masa’s artistry is showcased in performances... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT

Attendees (6)

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