Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
This workshop will help you improve your Shinobue playing by improving your tuning and creating a cleaner sound. We will use different songs to explore different techniques. We will also work on higher notes and how to play them cleaner.
Focus on the performance of the Fue and how to project when playing with Taiko drums.
We will also focus on how to improvise to taiko songs. As a sample, we will play some phrases to some of the better-known songs, such as Yatai Bayashi.

Prerequisite/What to bring: Be able to play some melodies and bring #8/ Happonjoushi Fue.
We will have some extra Fues available if you don't own one.
Bring a music stand might help and we will work from the Book Learn to Play the Shinobue by Marco Lienhard but will have copies for those who don't have the music
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Marco Lienhard

Marco Lienhard (he/him) was the lead performer of the legendary Ondekoza in Japan from 1981 to 1998. He performed on Odaiko, Taiko, Shakuhachi, Nohkan, and Shinobue. He mastered the Shakuhachi (5-holed bamboo flute) in Japan under Katsuya Yokoyama. Marco Lienhard is the founder and... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT

Attendees (5)

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