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Monday, September 1

8:30am MDT

Bachi Control LIMITED
Monday September 1, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT
In this workshop participants will learn the basic taiko strokes and different drills and exercises that will build bachi control and facility. Participants will learn how to ‘listen’ to their bachi and develop good touch and feel with their bachi. By the end of this workshop series participants will have a new appreciation for their bachi and understand how to practice in a way where the bachi will become a natural extension of their body.

Prerequisite/What to bring: None
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Shoji Kameda

Shoji Kameda (he/him) is a Grammy nominated musician, composer and producer. He started playing taiko at the age of 8 and has played continuously since. He was selected through a highly competitive process as an Asian Pacific Performance Exchange fellow, collaborating with master... Read More →
Monday September 1, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT
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