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Saturday, August 30

8:00am MDT

Kinesthetic Odaiko LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am MDT
This exciting workshop will focus on the foundational techniques required to play, practice, and perform on Odaiko. With a Scientific Kinesthetic approach, Patrick will introduce ideas, practice drills, and movements that are extremely helpful in learning this fun but challenging style! Participants will enjoy a deep dive workshop on learning biomechanical and physiological concepts relative to Odaiko and taiko well-being in general. Ranging from topics such as Focusing on Postural alignment, Effortless Power production, Conservation of Energy, to in-depth strike mechanics. Many of the introduced concepts are approachable and joint friendly that any individual will be able to accommodate and adapt them into their own unique body type and style of playing. Come and learn one of the most empowering style of taiko!

Prerequisite/What to bring: Odaiko Bachi
avatar for Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz

Assistant Artistic Director/Instructor, Makoto Taiko
Patrick Cruz (he/him) has been playing taiko since 2011 from his humble beginnings with collegiate taiko group CSUN Jishin Taiko. In 2014, he was scouted to be part of the original cast of a professional theatre troupe "BATARE" touring in numerous cities in the US. Simultaneously... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am MDT

10:30am MDT

Odaiko Kihon LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm MDT
Basics for performing on the 'big drum' will include stance, grip, hitting techniques, training tips, maximizing sounds, and relaxing. Traditional Kabuki patterns on the odaiko will also be introduced. A practice odaiko piece, Odaiko Kakeai Kihon Kyoku (an open source piece), will be taught focusing on fundamentals, simple improvisation, base beat patterns, and becoming more comfortable and dynamic at performing the odaiko.

Prerequisite/What to bring: Bring a pair of Odaiko bachi which can be made of hinoki (or similar soft wood) pine (or similar medium hardness) or oak (kashi) or similar hard wood. The bachi can be sized for what you normally play in your group. The corners of the bachi should be slightly rounded off to protect the skins (often new bachi have a sharp corner which can tear the skins).
avatar for Kenny Endo

Kenny Endo

Artistic Director, Taiko Center of the Pacific
One of the leading personas in contemporary percussion and rhythm, KENNY ENDO is at the vanguard of the taiko genre, continuing to carve new territory in this Japanese style of drumming.  Originally a member of ground-breaking Kinnara Taiko of Los Angeles and the San Francisco Taiko... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 10:30am - 12:30pm MDT

2:30pm MDT

Creative Odaiko LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT
The purpose of this course is to introduce participants to concepts of thinking-outside-the-box such as movements and ideas that go beyond standard Odaiko playing. Using examples from his Taikai original composition “Letter To My Childhood,” Patrick will help participants explore diversity in stance, innovation of body movements, and creative emotion and story-telling through the unique world of Odaiko. Encompassing good sound and power production, participants will understand the planes of motion relative to the human body. With Intentionality, participants will examine how best to create solos that present their own unique message. With Sincerity, participants will be going over introspective topics that can help bring beauty and purpose to each movement, act, and gesticulation. Let’s work, create, and inspire together!

Prerequisite/What to bring: Foundational Understanding of Odaiko, Basic Familiarity with Human Anatomical terms, Odaiko bachi.
avatar for Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz

Assistant Artistic Director/Instructor, Makoto Taiko
Patrick Cruz (he/him) has been playing taiko since 2011 from his humble beginnings with collegiate taiko group CSUN Jishin Taiko. In 2014, he was scouted to be part of the original cast of a professional theatre troupe "BATARE" touring in numerous cities in the US. Simultaneously... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 2:30pm - 6:30pm MDT
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