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Saturday, August 30

8:30am MDT

Groove! ~Intro to 'Tap L'eau'~ LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT
- A workshop that will focus on various important elements to Kumidaiko, such as listening, grooving, and developing a stronger sense of musical interdependence.
- Exercises will encourage students to channel their internal pulse while executing drill patterns as well as playing interlocking rhythms in an ensemble setting.
- WS focus/concepts: external pulse exercises (clapping and stepping); breaking down swing beat and triplet subdivisions while counting; playing excerpts of interlocking rhythms from Masa's original composition "Tap L'eau"

Prerequisite Knowledge
- Knows how to play swing beat
- Knows the 1eau (1-ee-and-uh) drill, or any familiarity with musical subdivisions / timing drills; (highly recommended, but not required)
avatar for Masa Miyano

Masa Miyano

Masa Miyano, full-time staff at Asano Taiko U.S. and Principal of Los Angeles Taiko Institute, brings over 15 years of taiko experience to the stage and classroom as a performer and educator with UnitOne, Prota, and TAIKOPROJECT Education Team.Masa’s artistry is showcased in performances... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT

2:15pm MDT

Taiko Based Exercise LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
The purpose of this workshop is to help participants experience a short taiko-based exercise routine, and have them create exercises they can bring back home. An initial offering of this workshop was shared as the first kaDON live Zoom workshop during the stay-at-home order. This class offers a way to train and learn movement patterns that are commonly used by kumidaiko players in America by breaking it down in a biomechanical format that you can do when you don't have access to a taiko! It’s important to understand that every group plays differently and every body is different, each group’s exercise may look slightly different to reinforce participants’ respective established form.

This is not taiko, but it is a way to give your body the physical movement during times when you’re unable to touch a taiko drum with your group. Exercises are thought out based on my background in athletic training, an allied health profession that works with musculoskeletal injuries. However, this course is not meant to provide healthcare, but with the goal of keeping you healthy.

Prerequisite/What to bring: Towel, shoes to move around in, water, request to inform me about anything that may make this routine difficult. Must be okay with being on the floor or will need to perform modified (not as difficult) exercise.
avatar for Emily Harada

Emily Harada

Emily Harada (she/her), a Chicago native, has played with Chicago’s Ho Etsu Taiko since age 7. She has also trained and performed for 2 years under Somei Taiko and Kenny Endo Taiko Center of the Pacific on Oahu, Hawaii. Using her athletic training experience, a health care profession... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT

4:45pm MDT

ShastaYama Odori LIMITED
Saturday August 30, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
ShastaYama Odori is a composition by Russel Baba which uses two simple traditional patterns interlocking to create a new or different overall sound to dance to.

Basic needs are one Odaiko, 2 shime, one chu, atarigane, & fue. Each has a part.

The minimal music parts are for Odaiko/chu, 2 shime, and fue. The parts may be made more complex by adding others for Odaiko and chu or shime and atarigane and/or matsu mushi bells.

ShastaYama Odori was created for audience participation at the ShastaYama Taiko Festival. Toru Watanabe and Michelle Fujii created most of the dance movements which celebrates the Mount Shasta area and nature. Russel Baba added more dance movements reflecting our modern lifestyles of cell phones, pumping gas, and driving. Traditional dance and songs reflect people's lives of fishing, farming, or hoeing or digging. Russel added the modern acts of today.

The piece ends when dancing is done. The chu Odaiko pattern goes one more round and ends the piece.

This workshop can add more participants. There is a minimum required, but no maximum as it is simple and easy to learn.

If one plays ShastaYama Odori, please give Russel credit for the music and give credit to Toru Watanabe, Michelle Fujii, and Russel for the dance choreography.

Prerequisite/What to bring: There are no requirements for participants. Anyone from beginner to advanced will gain from learning ShastaYama Odori. AND it's fun!
avatar for Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer

Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer

Russel Baba and Jeanne Mercer have been performing taiko for 52 years, starting taiko training with Seiichi Tanaka and San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1972.  Russel and Jeanne have been awarded numerous Artist in Residence grants to teach taiko from the California Arts Council and founded... Read More →
Saturday August 30, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
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