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Friday, August 29

8:00am MDT

Learn Shamisen for WAISSHO Ondo, a New Bon Odori Song
Friday August 29, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am MDT
Join Sumie Kaneko, David Wells, and Isaku Kageyama in a workshop series where participants will be the first to learn WAISSHO Ondo ・ 和一緒 (ワイッショ) 音頭 ・an original song written by Sumie in the style of Bon Odori. This series will focus on learning the taiko, fue, and vocal parts of the song, giving participants a unique opportunity to be the first to bring this new composition to life at their local Obon Festival.

The shamisen class will begin with the basics. As you may know, the shamisen shares similarities with the taiko in its construction and use of bachi. We'll start with how to hold the instrument and then practice basic strokes, such as "don" and "uchikomi" (we'll even incorporate "kuchishoga"!). Once we're comfortable, we'll move on to reading scores. Since the song is new for everyone, I've created two shamisen parts: a beginner part with minimal hits and an intermediate part with more hits. For those who aren't familiar with score reading, don't worry—I'll guide you verbally through the music.

By the end of the series, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to perform a newly crafted song that honors the spirit of Obon. Recordings and practice tracks will be provided. This workshop is open to all experience levels and is designed to foster a sense of community through the shared joy of creating and performing music.

Participants in this workshop are invited to also take "Playing as an Ensemble for a New Bon Odori Song" on Saturday (4:45-6:45), where the drum, dance, fue, narimono, shamisen, and singing parts will come together to play as an ensemble. Participants are then invited to play WAISSHO Ondo for the closing ceremony of NATC Phoenix.

This Ondo is especially made for NATC participants who want to upgrade their musicality by not only playing taiko but also understanding the singing line and shamisen/fue line, so they can play the piece with consideration vertically in the music, not only horizontally playing your taiko part.

Please Bring: Shamisen if you have one. We will have shamisen that can be borrowed for those without.
avatar for Sumie Kaneko

Sumie Kaneko

Sumie KanekoJapanese koto and shamisen playerVocalistSumie (Sumi-é) Kaneko is a Yamada school licensed koto and shamisen (sangen) performer and vocal artist. Her career started in 1995 as a winner of the Takasaki International Competition in Koto performance. In 2002 after graduating... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am MDT

12:30pm MDT

Regional Ambassadors Lunch
Friday August 29, 2025 12:30pm - 2:15pm MDT
This is a lunch time meetup for the Regional Ambassador's Program.
avatar for Kate Meigneux

Kate Meigneux

Board, Taiko Community Alliance
As Kinnara Taiko celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2019, Kate celebrated the 20th year of her taiko journey with the oldest Buddhist Taiko Group in North America. In her younger days Kate was classically trained on violin, cello, and piano, performing in youth choir, orchestra, and dance in England... Read More →
avatar for Franco Imperial

Franco Imperial

Franco Imperial (he/him) is the Artistic Director for San Jose Taiko. He has composed over 20 original works for SJT and has co-created and produced collaborations with artists such as Abhinaya Dance Company (“Synergy” which won the 2011 Isadora Duncan Dance Award for Outstanding... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 12:30pm - 2:15pm MDT

2:15pm MDT

Learn Vocals for WAISSHO Ondo, a New Bon Odori Song
Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
Join Sumie Kaneko, David Wells, and Isaku Kageyama in a workshop series where participants will be the first to learn WAISSHO Ondo ・ 和一緒 (ワイッショ) 音頭 ・an original song written by Sumie in the style of Bon Odori. This series will focus on learning the taiko, fue, and vocal parts of the song, giving participants a unique opportunity to be the first to bring this new composition to life at their local Obon Festival.

While your voice is your most accessible instrument, it's also hidden within your body. Similar to how you prepare your taiko and bachi, your voice needs warming up before singing.

The vocal class will begin with exercises to enhance body awareness and prepare your voice for singing, rather than speaking. Once your voice is ready, we'll dive into learning "WAISSHO Ondo," a piece that truly celebrates the power of vocals and kakegoe. Your voice and energy are essential!

By the end of the series, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to perform a newly crafted song that honors the spirit of Obon. Recordings and practice tracks will be provided. This workshop is open to all experience levels and is designed to foster a sense of community through the shared joy of creating and performing music.

Participants in this workshop are invited to also take "Playing as an Ensemble for a New Bon Odori Song" on Saturday (4:45-6:45), where the drum, dance, fue, narimono, shamisen, and singing parts will come together to play as an ensemble. Participants are then invited to play WAISSHO Ondo for the closing ceremony of NATC Phoenix.

This Ondo is especially made for NATC participants who want to upgrade their musicality by not only playing taiko but also understanding the singing line and shamisen/fue line, so they can play the piece with consideration vertically in the music, not only horizontally playing your taiko part.
avatar for Sumie Kaneko

Sumie Kaneko

Sumie KanekoJapanese koto and shamisen playerVocalistSumie (Sumi-é) Kaneko is a Yamada school licensed koto and shamisen (sangen) performer and vocal artist. Her career started in 1995 as a winner of the Takasaki International Competition in Koto performance. In 2002 after graduating... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT

4:45pm MDT

Taiko Behind the Scenes
Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
Have you ever wondered why it is called upstage and downstage? Are you confused when someone tells you to move your drum stage right? Have you ever wondered what the heck a stage manager does? If so, then this workshop is for you.

Join Emma Valentine on a backstage tour of the behind-the-scenes magic of taiko shows. From rehearsals to performance, from load-in to load-out, from the booth to the wings, Emma will share firsthand knowledge of working professionally in theatre communities and how these experiences have translated to fit the taiko community.

By the end of this workshop participants will:
- Walk away with a basic knowledge in vocabulary, etiquette, North American theatre know-how and other fundamentals for live performers.
- Learn some tips and tools to confidently prepare as a performer to enter a theater space and transition smoothly to the stage. Expand beyond practicing songs.
- Know the who’s who of a theatre space, what their job description is and what you as a performing artist can provide them with in order to have an easy and respectful working relationship.
avatar for Emma Valentine

Emma Valentine

Emma Valentine (she/her) is a queer Korean adoptee from Seoul, South Korea and raised in Minnesota in the Twin Cities area. She has a B.A. in Theater from the University of MN and has worked in various theater roles such as stage manager, lighting director, actor, playwright, director... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
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