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Friday, August 29

8:30am MDT

Becoming Dynamic, Musical Players: Rhythm and Touch LIMITED
Friday August 29, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT
We taiko players need to be more sensitive!  While taiko is designed for raw power and volume, we play too loud for too long.  While kuchishoga is an amazing tool for learning, we've let it reduce our subtlety and tonal range.

Fortunately, we all possess a well of sensitivity that can guide our playing: our sense of touch. We can train our musicality with the emotional wisdom in our bodies. This workshop maps our sense of touch onto the drum to answer questions like, "How loud?... for how long?... and what next?"

Prerequisites: Open to players of all levels. Musical curiosity required. Workshop will involve self-touch and optional touch of others' hands, arms, shoulders, and heads.
avatar for Arugakki


Arugakki is the experimental percussion and dance duo formed of taiko innovator, Kristofer Bergstrom, and dancer/musician Minh Nguyen.
Friday August 29, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm MDT

2:15pm MDT

Work your Body! LIMITED
Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT
Learn to Work Your Body!
Have you ever been learning a taiko piece and there is a movement that seems easy, but you find your body keeps getting in the way? I know, I’ve been there!
Don’t let your body get in the way of the perfect arm swing. All of our bodies are put together uniquely, you just need to develop the tricks and techniques that will allow you to visually move the same as the rest of your group, in a way that is safe and effective for you.

In this workshop, we will be go over common taiko kata that give players the most trouble. I will work with you to find what works best for your body. We will learn a practice piece called, ‘Work your Body’ that you will be able to take back to your group!

Please Bring:
Chu daiko Bachi
avatar for Sascha Molina

Sascha Molina

Artistic Director, Sacramento Taiko Dan
Sascha Molina (she/her) is a professional Taiko artist and Instructor. She is currently the Artistic Director of Sacramento Taiko Dan and the Director of the Sacramento Taiko Dan Youth Performing Ensemble.
She is a member of the International group Jodaiko, and the North American... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 2:15pm - 4:15pm MDT

4:45pm MDT

Work your Body! FILLING
Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
Learn to Work Your Body!
Have you ever been learning a taiko piece and there is a movement that seems easy, but you find your body keeps getting in the way? I know, I’ve been there!
Don’t let your body get in the way of the perfect arm swing. All of our bodies are put together uniquely, you just need to develop the tricks and techniques that will allow you to visually move the same as the rest of your group, in a way that is safe and effective for you.

In this workshop, we will be go over common taiko kata that give players the most trouble. I will work with you to find what works best for your body. We will learn a practice piece called, ‘Work your Body’ that you will be able to take back to your group!

Please Bring: Chu daiko Bachi
avatar for Sascha Molina

Sascha Molina

Artistic Director, Sacramento Taiko Dan
Sascha Molina (she/her) is a professional Taiko artist and Instructor. She is currently the Artistic Director of Sacramento Taiko Dan and the Director of the Sacramento Taiko Dan Youth Performing Ensemble.
She is a member of the International group Jodaiko, and the North American... Read More →
Friday August 29, 2025 4:45pm - 6:45pm MDT
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